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Dienst Openbare Werken Aruba

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Dienst Openbare Werken Aruba


The Department of Public Works (DOW) is Aruba's authority in the field of infrastructure, providing high-quality technical services to the community with a proactive and efficient team. Integrity, transparency, and customer interests are highly valued, while taking environmental and economic sustainability into account. Read more

Recent News

Instructions for filling out the request form

Building permit process and requirements

Instructions on how to fill out our complaint form


Sabana Blanco 68
P.O. Box 411, Oranjestad

Aruba Bank

Account # 2058870190

Opening hours

Montay to Friday 
General: 07.30 to 12.00 a.m.
01.00 to 04.30 p.m.
Cashier: 07.45 to 11.45 a.m.
01.15 to 04.00 p.m.


Tel: (+297) 5284700

For general information:
For information about projects:
To submit invoices:
To submit invoice summary:
